Flare is a personal and poetic experimental documentary film. It explores landscapes of autoimmunity and searching for autonomy in the face of the medical system.
Flare was released in 2023 and has screened at Xposed Queer Film Festival Berlin, Fringe! Queer Film and Arts Fest London, Kasseler Dokfest, Dortmund Internationaler Frauen* Film Fest, Restfest Film Festival, Together! Disability Film Festival, Fragments Festival London, Festival Silhouette Paris, GAZE International LGBTQIA Film Festival Dublin, Art200: International Queer Culture Festival Bucharest, QueerANarchive Croatia, The One Minutes Amsterdam, Obscure Film Liverpool, Zeitzeug Festival Bochum, QueerXplicit Festival Leipzig, Bochum Pride and at many small community events including Safe Haven Berlin, The Hologram School of Social Medicine Berlin, Queer Film Night Edinburgh Housing Coop and several solidarity fundraisers. Flare is still available to screen at events big or small, or from your sick bed. Do get in touch.